Sunday, January 26, 2014

Jim Lee and the Justice League

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Out today: JLA #7 with art by Gene Ha and Gary Frank.
Last September DC Comics started the new 52, meaning all their 52 comics started from scratch after decades of faithfully continuing the old numbering. Among them of course, The Justice League. Now that the first six issues have been published, the first story arc, about the origin of the Justice League has been told with absolutely stunning artwork by jim Lee. This month,Gene Ha and Gary frank take over for an all new story. But dont be affraid, jim still did the cover artwork (see above!)

The Villains Journey will be the next stop for Lee with writer Geoff Johns, which will start in JLA issue 9 in April, along with The Curse of Shazam by Johns with Gary Frank, which takes off today as a backup story. Check out all of Lees cover artwork for the past story arc below and youll understand why hes easily the greatest artist around at DC today. Awesome! (Click to enlarge).

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