Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Cloud Catchers!

Watch online Cloud Catchers, Lucas Martell, Michael Cawood, 3d animation

Lucas Martell is an indie filmmaker and like, the MacGyver of CG. Where others literally spend Millions on CG animated productions, hes the guy that gets that same quality of animation done within a minute fraction of those interstellar big budgets. You might have seen his animated short Pigeon Impossible around the block, as it was a hit on the internet. Now, with Michael Cawood (director of the award winning independent short Devils, Angels & Dating ) and their team of stealthy CG ninjas, theyre back at it with another CG short that will definitely make a huge impact soon: Cloud Catchers!

lucas martell, Pigeon Impossible, 3d animation

Above: Lucas Martell and a shot from Pigeon Impossible. Theres not much so see yet of Cloud Catchers, but I hear theyve been working really hard at it so far. As with P.I., Lucas has already put two podcasts up on Youtube to share his bewildering approach on tackling the creative jungle, while Cawood just recently updated his demo reel showcasing some early clips of their new short. You should definately check out if you want to catch an early glimpse.

Cloud Catchers, Lucas Martell, Michael Cawood

Cloud Catchers, Lucas Martell, Michael Cawood
Cloud Catchers, Lucas Martell, Michael Cawood

Above: work in progress. A few early animated shots of Cloud Catchers. About the project, Lucas says The story takes place in a time when all of the Earth s oceans have dried up. and its about one courageous pilot fighting against vicious sky pirates for control of the last remaining source of water, the clouds. In the mean time, a kickstarter project was set up to collect some much needed funding for the project. So if you feel like pitching in on this little gem and you want to make a donation, make sure to contact Lucas.

Beside Cawood and Martell, the creative team on Cloud Cathers also includes Tad Catalano, Tray Duncan (I am Legend and Zathura), animator Henning Koczy and modeler Ryan Saper among others.

Pigeon Impossible 

Martells previous short Pigeon Impossible has been shown at over 250 festivals in 43 countries, and won more than 20 awards including Best Short at the Oscar-qualifying Montreal World Film Festival, and Best in Show at ArtFutura in Spain. If you havent seen it yet, you should definitely check it out below. Cause theres some pretty awesome stuff on the net, and then theres the really amazing stuff, the little gems that make the world shine brighter. This one sits atop of that!

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