Friday, January 31, 2014

ILM on the water simulations of Battleship

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Today, the VFX team of ILM (Industrial Light & Magic) uploaded a new video showing more of their work on their recent movie Battleship and the creation of a completely new fluid simulation system, which had to be re-engineered completely from the ground up for this film. It includes interviews with Grady Cofer, Pablo Helman, Willi Geiger and Nick Rasmussen of ILM. As always, make sure to check it out in full HD below.

In 2007, Nick Rasmussen, Ron Fedkiw and Frank Losasso Petterson already received a Sci-Tech Award from the Academy for the development of the original ILM fluid simulation system. Simultaneously, Duncan Brinsmead, Jos Stam, Julia Pakalns and Martin Werner were awarded that year with a Sci-Tech award for the design and implementation of the Maya Fluid Effects system.

For this years Sci-Tech Awards, seven achievements have been selected from various companies for award consideration. Among them, Lucasfilm for Zviz, a previsualisation system, WETA Digital for Tissue, a Physically-Based Character Simulation Framework and PDI Dreamworks for their new Lighting tool. The 2012 Scientific and Technical Awards will be presented at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills on February 9, 2013. The event will be hosted by actress Zoe Saldana and actor Chris Pine (from the upcoming Star Trek: Into Darkness).

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